RTO Market Monitoring
Potomac Economics is the leading provider of market monitoring services for RTOs that operate wholesale electricity markets in the United States. Potomac Economics currently serves as the Independent Market Monitor for the Midcontinent ISO, New York ISO, ISO New England, and ERCOT (Texas).
Learn more about monitoring servicesEmissions Allowance Market Monitoring
Potomac Economics currently serves as the Market Monitor for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI was created by 10 states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region of the United States to administer a cap-and-trade market for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electric power generators. Under this program, electric power generators must acquire emissions allowances to cover their emissions of CO2.
Learn more about monitoring servicesExpert Consulting and Litigation Support
Potomac Economics and its senior professionals have extensive experience in providing expert analysis and advice to its customers in the electricity and natural gas industries, as well as expert testimony in litigated matters. Potomac Economics’ wide array of experience in RTO and non-RTO market areas in the U.S. and Europe uniquely qualifies us to provide unmatched expert advice and litigation support in these areas.
Learn more about monitoring servicesInternational Market Monitoring
Potomac Economics provides independent monitoring services international clients in a variety of capacities. The objective of this monitoring is to ensure full access to transmission service, which is essential for promoting competition in these areas. In addition to monitoring for anticompetitive conduct by the transmission provider, we also seek to identify improvements in their processes and assumptions that would increase the quantities of transmission available to wholesale market participants.
Merger Compliance Monitoring
Potomac Economics has performed the independent monitoring function associated with a number of utility mergers. The scope of services can involve a range of tasks, including the monitoring of transmission upgrades, generation divestitures, transmission capacity set asides, and short-term cost-based power sales.
Learn more about monitoring servicesSupply Procurement Monitoring
Potomac Economics has served as an Independent Evaluation Monitor for a number of requests for proposals (“RFP”) by utilities seeking to purchase wholesale electricity or generating assets. The objective in these cases is to ensure that the evaluation of the proposals is conduct in a fair, objective, and reasonable manner. This is particularly true when a competitive affiliate of the utility is participating in the RFP.
Learn more about monitoring servicesTariff Compliance Audits
With the advent of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s new enforcement authority, ensuring full compliance Commission rules and tariffs filed at the Commission is increasingly important. Potomac Economics has the operational expertise and understanding of the wholesale electric markets and processes that are essential for auditing a utility’s compliance with rules and tariffs.
Learn more about monitoring servicesTransmission System Monitoring
Potomac Economics provides independent monitoring services for the provision of transmission services in non-RTO areas. The objective of this monitoring is to ensure full access to transmission service, which is essential for promoting competition in these areas. In addition to monitoring for anticompetitive conduct by the transmission provider, we also seek to identify improvements in their processes and assumptions that would increase the quantities of transmission available to wholesale market participants.
Learn more about monitoring services
Markets We Monitor
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas manages the scheduling of power on an electric grid consisting of 75,000 megawatts of generation capacity and 43,000 miles of high-voltage transmission. ERCOT is a non-profit… Learn More
ERCOT Documents & ReportsMISO
Potomac Economics serves as the Independent Market Monitor to the MISO, which is a non-profit company that provides transmission service in the Midwest region of the U.S. and operates spot… Learn More
MISO Documents & ReportsISO-NE
Potomac Economics serves as the Independent Market Monitoring Unit to the ISO New England Board of Directors. The ISO New England is a non-profit company that operates the transmission system and spot markets for electricity and… Learn More
ISO-NE Documents & ReportsNYISO
Potomac Economics serves as the Market Monitoring Unit (MMU) to the New York ISO Board of Directors. The New York ISO is a non-profit company that operates the transmission system and spot markets for electricity and related… Learn More
NYISO Documents & ReportsRGGI
Potomac Economics currently serves as the Market Monitor for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI was created by 10 states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region of the United States to administer a cap… Learn More
RGGI Documents & Reports